About Us
RRDPO is a registered non for profit, non‐political and non‐governmental organization working for development and transformation of civil society in Afghanistan. RRDPO was established in 2014 and registered with Ministry of Economy to response the need of vulnerable household in the county.
Main Objectives
The mine purpose of objective of Afghanistan rehabilitation committee RRDPO in deferent parts of Afghanistan as per needs of the people and donors’ priorities are as follow.
- The empowerment of women and protection of children through basic education to enable a positive entry into Afghan society.
- To help the process of repatriation of the Afghan refugees.
- To determine the scale and scope of the rehabilitation in Afghanistan.
- To determine the reconstruction of the main infrastructure in a sound manner, such as rehabilitation of shelter, public buildings (like schools, health center) irrigation systems, Agriculture, water supply and sanitation, roads reconstruction of the historic structures.
- To promote self-help component in Afghan society for reconstruction actives.
- To contribute in community awareness regarding public health.
- To contribute in human resource development of Afghanistan by conducting vocational training courses.
- To contribute emergency and relief activities. implementation of multidiscipline engineering works.
RRDPO is established to work for Afghan Communities in the fields of Education, basic health care, gender, human rights, capacity building, and income generating activities and rehabilitation as well as emergency operations like CBT/Food distribution targeting the most vulnerable Afghan people. RRDPO has main office and sub offices in several provinces (Kabul, Laghman and Nangarhar). RRDPO consists of several departments (education, health, social affairs, Rehabilitation and etc.)
and has experts, specialists and experienced male and female staffs in each department that they are capable for implementing of various programs and projects in different fields. RRDPO has enough office equipment for running project activities. Being mainly a community and civil society development organization, RRDPO has been awarded by several developmental donors, several community and civil society development projects in different parts of the country. Owing to the experienced and dedicated professional staff and trust of government, developmental agencies and the community, RRDPO has been able to successfully implement its projects, which has further contributed to enhancement of its technical, professional and administrative capacities over the past fifteen years. RRDPO is currently implementing different projects in eastern region of the country.
Being a local NGO in the eastern region of the Afghanistan, RRDPO has implemented more than 30 projects with UN WFP and International organization in Afghanistan RRDPO has received training on gender mainstreaming in programmers and all staff are trained on protection from sexual exploitation and abuse. The name of the organization as Rural Rehabilitation and Development Program Organization (RRDPO) which is an independent no governmental and non-political organization, with a close contact with other organization who are working in reconstruction and rehabilitation of Afghanistan.